Sunday, 23 December 2012

Juxtaposition: How to stop smoking you say ?

 WELL, it has already been the 8th week and for our current assignment is the same topic, juxtaposition; How to stop smoking ? referring to the traffic light. 

as you can see in the traffic light, there's sign, colour, metal and shape.

well. what i can see is

this thing.

Sunday, 16 December 2012

Juxtaposition say what ?!

In our recent class, we learned about Juxtaposition. What is juxtaposition? Juxtaposition is simply placing of two different things near together. Its has tendency to draw attention to the audience. After learned about juxtaposition we were given some exercise in class and we need to upload in the blog. This is quite nice and i like it.



We need to choose number 1-10 and make it 3 sets of number. Each sets must only have two digits.

So i decide to choose

16 , 27 and 10 .



After choosing the number. We were given 20 words which has been separated into two row. I need to identify the words that related to my numbers.

1.Flower                   0.Head
2.Lightning               9.Rain
3.Ice                          8.Wood      
4.Light                      7.Tree
5.Fire                        6.Spider
6.Duck                     5.Root
7.Dog                       4.Mountain
8.Oil                         3.Wind
9.Leave                    2.Rock
0.Fly                         1.Water

Here is the result:

16 : flower spider
27 : lightning tree
10 : flower head



 we need to make a sentences using this two words. Note that i cant change the arrangement of words. i need to follow what i've picked.

1) there is FLOWER pattern on that SPIDER.

2) the LIGHTNING strike onto the TREE.

3) she put FLOWER on her HEAD



create a LOGO !





Juxtaposition: Combined two exotic animal in one logo.

We had to combine animals and draw it.
The idea is we need to combine the animal that may no longer live.

mine are combination of body cheetah and a head of hippopotamus !

Sunday, 9 December 2012

chili billy willy poetry !

love are like a chili,
it makes you all warm inside and sweaty
you make me nervous,
just like my first bite that i will laid on your
red skin,

but its okay,
i love that feelings,
i love chili
i love you.

Sunday, 2 December 2012

Mortal and Pestle !

in the future, 20200 to be precise. archeologist searched in the mother nature and found something extraordinary. it made from a stone. it looks like this .

the name are Mortar and Pestle

 short story, the archeologist searched for what its used and they found three used of it

ONE; Deco uses


a stool. stylish and steady as a rock!

TWO; Cooking device.


THREE; Death

They heat the mortar and cup it on the victims face while the pestle used for smash their head on the back.

WOW! thats something bizarre from what the 20200 archeologist has something to say! Stay Tuned for more this FUN assignment from Mr. Radzi Bedu!

Friday, 30 November 2012

Mind Map ?

What is mind map ?

mind map of health.

Mind map is something that we can use to generate an idea. elaborate an idea. By combine using keywords, images and colours. Basically, the topic must be put in the middle, with curvy lines that separate into another curvy lines using one colour for one sub topic.

Mind map; WHAT ?

WHAT mind map are useful for?

I found a lot of useful use for mind map but i have decided to give you only three reason because i didn't want you die in boredom of reading this ;

Example of trip planning mind map.

  1. Planning - Easy, lets say that you want to have a vacation but you are worry about your budget trip. Take a paper and marker with different sort of colour. Start mind mapping.

     2. Business - Do you know? the way of being a successful businessman is by using this mind map?
         Franchise like McDonald, Apple and etc are using mind map. Now you know the trick, GO.

      3. Organize - good way of saving a lot of precious times instead of you're being rushed there no

Mind Map; WHY ?

WHY is the mind map are useful for us?

there is three reasons for that ;

1. Easy - believe it or not. this way are much easier than you sit in the corner and brainstorming for an idea without knowing the right techniques.

2. Timely - using mind map helps you in short amount of time. you dont want spend an hour for a topic that sooooo easy.

3. Colourful - using colour will attract your attention and your brain will easily catch the information that you need.

Mind mapping tony style

 First thing you're thinking while you reading the header are "is it tony stark?" Haha, no my friends, its Tony Buzan . The father of mind mapping!

Tony Buzan with his idea of mind mapping as the background.

He suggested that mind mapping should be using with three different colours , keywords and images. because our brain hates reading but loved images, colour and small amount of words. thus, mind mapping are born. Using mind map, we can easily elaborate an idea. Mind map is a creative thinking that powerful for an idea. we should be thankful to this guy because his magnificent invention of mind map.

Saturday, 17 November 2012

The Question (3)

                           (Q3) What was the process of creativty ?

there's three process of creativity;

1. Visual: Environment help us to create something new for what people needs and what people love in some invention by observing and manipulate some old ideas and clash it into a brand new ideas.
2. Research: By research, we can give and take what people want and what people hate in some product or ideas.

 3. Communication: It is important for us to communicate with the others. To expand our ideas by sharing some thoughts.

THE Question (2)

                            (Q) What environmental Conditions Existed ?

    Environmental conditions that existed during their present time is the conditions of NEED. Back in their present time, they are looking for a solution that people seeks. For example, Avicenna create the thread for medical where we are using right now because of his invention. Because in Avicenna present time, people need to cover up the big injury or wound. so, to cover the skin to let it heals faster, Avicenna create this thread by studying, be alert of his environment and else.

THE Question (1)

  (Q) What traits made them creative

so, the question now. WHAT traits made like this famous people,

Leornado Da Vincci 


, Creative?

My personal opinion is the traits that made them CREATIVE is their environment, their daily thoughts, their religion and their way of seeing stuff. Creativity does not heritage by one and another. it is GAIN from our own experience.

Saturday, 10 November 2012

Creative / Innovative person.

Okay, the big Question is "what kind of environment, situation etc would make me to become the creative/innovative person?"

my answer is;
                      The environment that would make me as a creative or innovative person is The public. I realize that by going out to the public , communicate with the others are gonna make us much open-minded and we can accept any ideas, gain ideas, see ideas, expand our ideas.

                      The situation will be anything ! Chaos, havoc, soothing, calm, peace etc. that will make me more to think of bizarre thing that usually i dont. Its nice!

Invention and innovation of a pc and tablet.

PC are a computer that had been invented so many years ago. But now, with the tablet that coming into this present day. Soon, the pc will be changed into a tablet for a workers. Thus, make them as a Mobile Worker where they can work within the office, public or home.

The invention of pc are so powerful till there's many competition out there trying to change the world by think out of the box to make it as a platform for new era. Thus, the tablet are born to change people's world. Its portable, compact, small and touch screen. It totally blew the perspective of the others see this tablet and pc.

From a good invention change into a great innovation.

Friday, 9 November 2012

Ken Robinson on Creativity Education and Intelligence

    the thing about Ken Robinson is he is the role model for a think-out-of-the-box speech. He is wise and really really really think out of the box. That's impressive. okay, my lecturer had shown us a video about Ken's talk.

    The assignment that we get is a different than what we usually does. its about, we giving a comment about what he is talking about in the video. so, i was really impressive with the story that he is coming up because it's different than what we usually heard of.

   For example, during his speech, he is telling a story about a teacher and students in a class drawing. So, when the teacher were walking around to look at what are the students drawing in class, he saw a girl with an blank paper, so he asked, "why didn't you draw anything?" "i did draw something." the girl replied. The teacher confused and asked ''well, what did you draw?" the girl look at his eyes and said, "well, i draw Jesus. but, now, he's gone."

   Well, that's what creative thinking and think out of the box should been. its amazing. But, our education system had just limit our way of thinking. its crucial.

Monday, 29 October 2012

5 words of creativity and non-creativity.

hurmm, the 5 words of creativity?

1) Bizarre - Creativity is an idea that we could never find a way to stop from reveal its true form,
                   therefore,many ways have been used to show the creativity on ourselves through music, paint or
                   dance. Its bizarre.

2) Environment - Using our own mind, our hallucination, our daydream through our environment will help us
                           to create the world of creativity, funky or extraordinary thing that we could never thought
                           of it by observing our environment.

3) Colour - using different sort of colours, we can make a white canvas became into a colourful of wonderful
                  things from what we've dream or imagine.

4) Communication - through our conversation with people or strangers, we can exchange our idea with them.
                               We share it, we speak, we listen and without you noticed, you found a new way of
                                giving out creativity !

5) Reading - Reading can help you to exercise your brain to do a working activity like, when you read, you
                    can actually play with your imagination and fantasize of what or how does it happen.

Well, what is non-creativity ?

1) Wi-Fi - This modern world shouldn't blocked our passion, our interest, our hobby or our internet access.
                 In this era, almost every corner in the world has an access to a wifi. But, the problem is, why,
                 must there a secured wifi access? LET ALL THE WIFI BE FREE FOR ALL OF THE

2) Racism - The way we judge people by their colour, ethnic, fashion or race are not the thing that we should
                   apply to the way of an art.

3) Stop Sign - Why should they let us stop from what we want to do? Someone shouldn't hold your passion
                       from being wild as you wish. THAT's unfair.

4) Pedophilia - as a psychiatric disorder in persons who are 16 years of age or older typically characterized by a primary or exclusive sexual interest in prepubescent children is not that creative at all times.

5) Plagiarism - We shouldn't copy people's artwork. it's wrong. it's against the law.

Monday, 22 October 2012

Why Did the Titanic hit the iceberg ?

        " RMS Titanic was a British passenger liner that sank in the North Atlantic Ocean on 15 April 1912 after colliding with an iceberg during her maiden voyage from Southampton, UK to New York City, US. The sinking of Titanic caused the deaths of 1,502 people in one of the deadliest peacetime maritime disasters in modern history. " 

and the question that my lecturer asked to us in the class is " Why, did the Titanic hit the iceberg?" is it because the captain had been distracted by the event? the dance? the music? the food? the liqour? until the captain or the passengers doesn't realize that there's a great catastrophe will coming to visit them? Now, i'm writing this blog post to answer my lecturer question.

one of the reason because why did the titanic hit the iceberg is ;

  1) the captain didn't aware of the iceberg that coming from front of the ship because he were distracted with the dance that been held on the deck and the liquor that he drank are making him not 'himself.'

  2) The captain saw an iceberg that is small and he thought that he could make it to make a turn before the ship hit the iceberg but what he don't realize is under the small iceberg are actually there's more than what he or the whole crew can expect. When the captain make a slow turn to prevent from hitting the iceberg, underside of the ship hit the massive iceberg that attached to the small iceberg. The hole on underside the ship appear and a pressure thrust of water began to filled the ship and sank it down.

that is the reason why did the titanic hit the iceberg. And of course, you too can make your own opinion. Just drop your comment .

That pink thingy

    Okay, on the date 22nd October, my lecturer named Yap Sau Bin had showed me a pink object that even me and my whole class cant define it. That object looks like a small tube attached to the one flat surface that shape like a number eight ( 8 ) and our lecturer told us to make a blog post about 'that thing' from our own honest brain for him to read it and understand about what is that pink thing. So, without further due, i'll give my lecturer some piece of my mind. Of course, in a good way.

this is what that cute-pink-mini-small-tube-shaped-eight looks like

 That pink thingy is actually a mini ashtray. A cute-pink-mini-small-tube-shaped-eight kind of ashtray that smokers would die for one of those. its portable, environmental friendly, got a cute holder and a tube that will not let the ash from cigarette flew away to the others. ISN'T THAT GREAT ?! For the heavy smokers, if you can't find any of trashcan with the ashtray on top it, you can always use this cute-pink-mini-small-tube-shaped-eight kind of ashtray ! Or, if you don't wanna use this pink thingy. You can always have an another alternative by throw the cigarette pack and,