Friday, 9 November 2012

Ken Robinson on Creativity Education and Intelligence

    the thing about Ken Robinson is he is the role model for a think-out-of-the-box speech. He is wise and really really really think out of the box. That's impressive. okay, my lecturer had shown us a video about Ken's talk.

    The assignment that we get is a different than what we usually does. its about, we giving a comment about what he is talking about in the video. so, i was really impressive with the story that he is coming up because it's different than what we usually heard of.

   For example, during his speech, he is telling a story about a teacher and students in a class drawing. So, when the teacher were walking around to look at what are the students drawing in class, he saw a girl with an blank paper, so he asked, "why didn't you draw anything?" "i did draw something." the girl replied. The teacher confused and asked ''well, what did you draw?" the girl look at his eyes and said, "well, i draw Jesus. but, now, he's gone."

   Well, that's what creative thinking and think out of the box should been. its amazing. But, our education system had just limit our way of thinking. its crucial.

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