Monday, 22 October 2012

That pink thingy

    Okay, on the date 22nd October, my lecturer named Yap Sau Bin had showed me a pink object that even me and my whole class cant define it. That object looks like a small tube attached to the one flat surface that shape like a number eight ( 8 ) and our lecturer told us to make a blog post about 'that thing' from our own honest brain for him to read it and understand about what is that pink thing. So, without further due, i'll give my lecturer some piece of my mind. Of course, in a good way.

this is what that cute-pink-mini-small-tube-shaped-eight looks like

 That pink thingy is actually a mini ashtray. A cute-pink-mini-small-tube-shaped-eight kind of ashtray that smokers would die for one of those. its portable, environmental friendly, got a cute holder and a tube that will not let the ash from cigarette flew away to the others. ISN'T THAT GREAT ?! For the heavy smokers, if you can't find any of trashcan with the ashtray on top it, you can always use this cute-pink-mini-small-tube-shaped-eight kind of ashtray ! Or, if you don't wanna use this pink thingy. You can always have an another alternative by throw the cigarette pack and,


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